Transform your grant-seeking journey.

Monroe the Guru


I’m your grants coach.
Together, we’re going to conquer everything grants.

Learn and grow more confident as a grantseeker (in seconds)
by becoming a Guru Member.

Becoming a grants consultant has taught me that there’s a lot of valuable information about the grant world, but that doesn’t mean it makes much sense. I want to be a translator of vast amounts of data and explain it in a way that is easy for any level grantseeker to use and understand. So, I took these past few years to understand this world fully, put all that knowledge into layman's terms, and use my skills to help others grow as grant seekers —
this is where QRA from The Guru comes in.

Whether you're a nonprofit or a for-profit business, on a team or working solo, starting from scratch, or need an update, this newsletter will act as your monthly fuel to grow into a confident grantseeker.

What comes with your membership.

First, a Quote.

We’re starting off with a thought-provoking quote that primes your mind for inspiration. Whether related to grants or offering general motivation, each quote is selected and designed to ignite your creativity and set the tone for the day's topic. It's the perfect brain fuel to get your grant-seeking journey off to a strong start.

Second, a Resource.

Discover valuable tools, expert insights, and handpicked resources to supercharge your grant-seeking career. The Resource section is your gateway to a world of knowledge, from books and websites to software and expert advice. Each resource is carefully curated to empower you with the know-how and tools you need for grant-seeking excellence.

Third, an Action.

Empower your learning with practical steps in the 'Action' segment. It's not just about acquiring knowledge; it's about applying it. You’re provided with actionable tasks that allow you to immediately put what you've learned into practice. Transform insights into tangible progress as you take these steps to enhance your grant-seeking journey.


Based on my years of research, applying, and networking, I’ll be sharing current grant opportunities that you and your organization/business can apply for. You’ll get a to-the-point summary of who the funder is, their mission, the type of support they’re trying to give, and the deadline.

We will focus on topics like…

  • What is a grant and what does it mean to you

  • Who is qualified to get a grant and how do you know

  • How to get started with beginning a business or nonprofit

  • How to create an award-winning proposal

  • How to find funders for your work and the latest available grant opportunities

  • How can you make your business or organization financially sustainable

…and this is just the tip of the iceburg.

Now, let’s get this money, honey!