Equity for all.

Purpose Statement:

Turning visions into accessible equity.

At the heart of my mission is the unwavering commitment to turning ambitious visions into tangible, accessible equity, with a special focus on empowering Black-led and Black-serving nonprofits, businesses, initiatives, and communities. I believe that every individual and organization harbors dreams and aspirations for a better future, and I see my role as a catalyst for transforming those dreams into realities that are not only achievable but also inclusive.

My work is driven by the belief that equity should not be an elusive ideal but a practical, attainable goal, particularly for those who have historically faced systemic barriers. I strive to bridge the gap between aspirations and actualities, leveraging my expertise in grant consulting and development to unlock opportunities and resources that empower Black-led and Black-serving entities. Through meticulous research, strategic grant writing, and a deep understanding of the complexities of funding, I seek to create pathways to financial sustainability and social impact that prioritize equity and justice.

In this pursuit, I draw upon my academic background in Political Science and Criminal Justice, as well as my extensive training in grant writing, management, and development. These academic and practical foundations equip me to navigate the intricate landscape of grants and funding, ensuring that the resources necessary to effect positive change are not reserved for the few but are accessible to all, especially those who have been historically underserved.

Turning visions into accessible equity is not just a slogan; it's a guiding principle that informs every aspect of my work. It means breaking down barriers, dismantling systemic inequalities, and fostering a culture where opportunities are distributed equitably. I am driven by the belief that by transforming visions into accessible equity, we can build a more just and inclusive world for everyone.


How I can help:

Proposal Writing & Reviewing

Elevate your grant-seeking efforts with expertly crafted proposals and meticulous reviews that maximize your chances of securing funding.

    1. Craft compelling grant proposals tailored to your mission and goals.

    2. Review and enhance existing proposals for clarity, coherence, and alignment.

    3. Provide expert guidance on narrative development, budgeting, and supporting documents.

    4. Ensure strict adherence to standard submission requirements.

Prospect & Partnership Research

Unlock new funding prospects and strategic partnerships through in-depth research and tailored engagement strategies.

    1. Create engaging annual reports showcasing your achievements, impact, and financial transparency.

    2. Draft persuasive Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) and Letters of Intent (LOIs) for potential funders.

    3. Develop customized templates for various development documents to maintain consistency.

    4. Collaborate on storytelling and content creation to communicate your mission effectively.

    5. Provide editing and proofreading services to ensure the professionalism of your documents.

Development Documents

Enhance your organization's visibility and credibility with polished and impactful development documents.

    1. Conduct comprehensive research to identify potential funding prospects, donors, and partners.

    2. Evaluate prospects for alignment with your mission and objectives.

    3. Develop detailed prospect profiles with contact information and areas of interest.

    4. Create customized strategies for engaging prospects and building productive partnerships.


Take the first step in your grant-seeking journey and reach out today.